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AZED Diploma Seals

Scottsdale Unified School District

Diploma Seals

A diploma seal is a special endorsement that recognizes a student for a certain accomplishment.

In SUSD, students have the opportunity to earn a Fine Arts Seal, Finance Seal, and/or the Seal of Biliteracy. An official seal will be affixed to a student's diploma if they earn either of these endorsements. Accomplishments are also noted on a student's high school transcript. Please see below for more information.

Arizona State Seal of Arts Proficiency

Seal of Arts Proficiency

Scottsdale Unified School District is excited to offer the Seal of Arts program to eligible seniors. This program is designed to recognize high school students who complete arts pathway requirements throughout their high school career. The seal is placed on the student’s diploma, noted on the transcript, and students will be recognized at graduation.

The following are required for a student to qualify for SUSD's Fine Arts Diploma Seal:

  • A final GPA of 3.0 or 4.0 in each of the qualifying arts or career and technical education (CTE) courses.
  • 4 minimum credit requirements in one of the following ways:
    • A minimum of 4 credits in one artistic discipline: (dance, music, theatre, visual arts, or media arts) or;
    • 3 credits in one artistic discipline; and 1 credit in a qualifying creative industry, CTE credit  or separate discipline; or
    • 2 credits in one artistic discipline, and 2 credits in a qualifying creative industry, CTE course or separate artistic discipline.
  • 80 hours of arts related extracurricular activities
  • A student capstone project

For more information regarding SUSD's Fine Arts Diploma Seal, please click here.

Arizona State Seal of Biliteracy

AZ Seal of Biliteracy

Scottsdale Unified School District is excited to offer the Seal of Biliteracy program to eligible seniors. This program is designed to recognize high school students who achieve proficiency in English plus at least one additional language. The seal is placed on the student’s diploma, noted on the transcript, and students will be recognized at graduation. 

For SUSD World Language students to qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy they must meet the following requirements:

English Language Arts requirements:

If a student has a primary home language other than English: The student shall obtain a score of proficiency on the AZELLA

World Language proficiency requirement:

For more information regarding Arizona's Seal of Biliteracy, please click here.

  • Students must take 4 years of ELA courses 
  • Students must have an overall 2.0 GPA in ELA classes on a 4.0 scale
  • Pass AZMerit at Proficient or above
  • Students must meet cut scores listed below on one of the state-approved tests.
    • Spanish, French, and Russian | Category 1-3 Languages
      • STAMP4s PS, IL, PW, IR: Intermediate Mid (5) 
      • AP: Attain a score of 3 or higher 
        (Must be taken before Sr. year to be recognized at graduation.)
      • IB: Attain a score of 4 or higher for HL and 5 or higher for SL 
        (Must be taken before Sr. year to be recognized at graduation.)
    • Mandarin Chinese and Japanese | Category IV Language
      • STAMP4s PS, IL: Intermediate Mid (5)
      • PW, IR: Intermediate Mid (4)
      • AP: Attain a score of 3 or higher 
        (Must be taken before Sr. year to be recognized at graduation.)
      • IB: Attain a score of 4 or higher for HL and 5 or higher for SL
        (Must be taken before Sr. year to be recognized at graduation.)

Students must apply for the Seal no later than April 1 of their senior year.  This allows for all scores to be verified and input.  There will be no exceptions.  The links are below-

Please input as much information as possible to ensure processing.  If you have not yet taken the STAMP, include the anticipated testing date.  If you are using the ACT or SAT, please upload ELA proficiency scores.  Instructions for retrieving them are here.

Level 4 World Language students will be tested on the target language in class.  Students not enrolled in a level 4 course wishing to take a STAMP test must make arrangements with their individual schools.  There is a $20 fee payable to the school book store for students taking the STAMP test without being enrolled in a level 4 course.

Students will be notified if they have met all the criteria to receive the Seal prior to graduation.

Arizona State Seal of Civics Literacy

Civics Literacy Seal

Scottsdale Unified School District is excited to offer the Seal of Arts program to eligible seniors. This program recognizes high school students who achieve a high level of proficiency in Civics. The seal is placed on the student’s diploma, noted on the transcript, and students will be recognized at graduation.

Requirements include:

  • 3.0 GPA in Social Studies classes
  • Pass the Arizona Civics Test
  • Complete three Civic Learning Activities
  • Complete 30 Hours of Civic Engagement Activities
  • Complete a Written Reflection  

Click here for more information from the Arizona Department of Education.

The seal is noted on transcript and provided for placement on diploma.  The seal is placed on the student's diploma and noted on the transcript up to 90 days after graduation.

Arizona State Seal of Personal Finance

AZ Seal of Personal Finance

Scottsdale Unified School District is proud to offer the Seal of Personal Finance.  Learn below how your student can qualify for this diploma (signifier).

This program recognizes students who have attained a high level of proficiency in Personal Finance at the time of graduation. Proficiency is determined by completion of a set of Arizona State Board of Education - approved tasks. 

Requirements include: 

Click here for more information from the Arizona Department of Education.

The seal is noted on transcript and provided for placement on diploma.  The seal is placed on the student's diploma and noted on the transcript up to 90 days after graduation. 

  • 3.0 GPA in Social Studies classes
  • B or better in personal finance coursework
  • 10 hours of extracurricular work in personal finance
  • College & career readiness tasks (ECAP, FAFSA, or CTE certification) and a personal reflection
  • Knowledge assessment.